A Transparent plane heating system
A transparent planer heating element is a planar heating element made by coating nanoparticles on top of abstract material. Since nanoparticles are evenly dispersed on a film or glass plate, heat is generated on the whole when electricity is applied, and unlike a heating wire, there is no problem in generating heat even if a part of the heating element is damaged. It can be used in various fields such as electric heaters, car glass, the cloth industry, and cooking equipment utensils.
  • Existing Transparent Material
  • CVD Graphene heating element
Properties of Graphene
Existing Transparent Material (ITO, CNT series of heating elements)
  • The complexity of the process
  • Difficulty in resistance control in a large area
  • Increased contact resistance during use increases fatigue
  • Transparency/ Photometric problems (diffused reflection and moire)
CVD graphene heating element (Excellent mechanical properties)
  • Secured doping technology
  • Implementation of low face resistance and expectation of large potential
  • Expecting stable heat generation at thermal shock or cryogenic temperatures
  • Excellent transparency and superiority of optical properties
Application of transparent planar heating element
  • Electric heater
  • Car windshield
  • Cooking equipment
  • Cloth industry